Monthly Archives: February 2016


Irrational Geometrics by Pascal Dombis

Located on the corner of Wellington St and Telethon Ave in Perth, this internally lit sculpture is made up of 5 colourful, digitally printed glass panels, a locally fabricated collaboration between Paris-based artist Pascal Dombis and architect Gil Percal. Using pureLED Flexi60 in Cool White, mounted along the base of each section illuminating the glass [...]

February 15th, 2016|Artwork Lighting|

Elizabeth Quay – Perth

Back in November 2014, Light Application were very proud to be chosen to be involved in Western Australia’s largest “Intelligent Lighting” Controlled Public Open Space Project – The Elizabeth Quay Waterfront Redevelopment.  Over their 15-month involvement, Light Application worked closely with the Electrical Contractor (Stiles Electrical) in the overall design, supply and commissioning all of [...]